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A Step-By-Step Guide on How to Paint a Composite Door

Can you paint a composite door? Sure thing you can! We’ve talked about this a bit more in one of our past articles. Yet, how exactly do you do it? How do you change the colour of your entrance door without damaging them or making them look even older and unattractive? Afforde Doors experts are sharing the best tips on how to paint a composite door without a hitch in this 4-step guide!

1.   Buy some door paint

Obviously, before getting to work, you should first settle on the new colour of the door. Do you want to go for the bold, bright red or emerald or do you prefer lavender or light blue? No matter the current colour of your composite door, you can switch to a completely opposite shade if you follow the tips we are about to give.

2.   Choose the day

You may be a bit impatient to redesign your door but keep in mind that this task should be done on a warm and sunny day (ideally). We wouldn’t recommend painting your door on a rainy or cold day since the cool air won’t be able to dry the paint. If you decide to ignore this advice, the paint will peel off without too long since it hadn’t been able to adhere properly.

3.   Prepare the door surface

Use a bar of sugar soap to give your composite door a good scrub. Keep into account that, by doing so, you will create a lot of dust so wear a face mask just in case you are allergic to dust.


Once you are done with removing the door finish, use fine-grade sandpaper and sand it. This should remove any excess lint, grime, and dust and get you a smooth surface you can apply paint to. Skipping the sanding step would only cause you headaches since the surface would chip upon the application of the paint.

4.   Apply the paint

Depending on the type of paint that you plan to use, apply a thin coat of primer and wait for about 40 to 50 minutes for it to dry or skip this step (if the instructions on the paint say that you can do without a primer).


Go over the door surface with your finger and, if it feels dry, go on and apply the second coat of the primer. Optionally, you can apply 3 coats of primer and apply the paint only then.

Wait for a couple of hours for the door surface to be fully dry and add a finishing coat that will protect the paint and make it more durable. Use a soft cloth and beeswax to ensure that the paint doesn’t chip off. Beeswax is also a great solution if you prefer an eggshell finish.


That’s all folks! Now you know how to paint your old composite door and make it feel like new. However, if you still want to go with a new door, you can design it and choose between these 23 gorgeous colours. If you need us to install and fit your composite doors or have any questions on your mind, please feel free to contact us anytime!

About Author : Afforde Doors

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